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Busua, Ghana
The REPUBLIC OF GHANA is a nation in West Africa. It borders the Ivory Coast to the west, Burkina Faso in the north and Togo to the east.
The CAPITAL AND LARGEST CITY IS ACCRA, with a population of over two million, and the country's second city of one million is Kumasi.
Ghana, then called THE GOLD COAST, gained independence from Great Britain on March 6, 1957.
It was the first African country to obtain its independence from Britain.

With 79 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES and idioms, the language diversity is quite large. English is the official language.
Ghana is a tropical country, also knows no seasons, but an alternation between RAINY AND DRY SEASON. Almost equally long days and nights determine life. The eastern coastal belt is warm and comparatively dry, the southwestern corner hot and humid, and the north hot and dry.
The rainy season is from late April to late July and in September and October, and the Harmattan brings Saharan sand and dust winds during the dry season from December to March.
The VOLTA RESERVOIRE with the Akosombo Dam, completed in 1966, is the largest inland lake in the country and still the largest surface artificial body of water on earth.
Ghana is important in the world economy because of its wealth of raw materials. Gold is Ghana's most important export. GOLD, TIMBER AND COCOA production are major sources of foreign exchange.
The national CURRENCY IS THE CEDIS (GHS). Take care, many Ghanaians still talk in old cedis (1 Ghana cedi= 10,000 old cedis) without saying "thousands", so when they say one hundred it usually means 10 Ghana cedis.
Perhaps the most visible (and most marketable) cultural contribution from modern Ghana is KENTE CLOTHES, which is widely recognized and valued for its colors and symbolism.
Originally, the use of kente was reserved for Asante royalty and limited to special social and sacred functions.
Most Ghanaians live in EXTENDED FAMILIES, which on the one hand provide support for relatives and help with problems; on the other hand, many relatives have to give up to half of their wages to the family. However, these structures are increasingly weakening in the cities, so that some children there are no longer cared for by their parents.
Throughout the country, there is a strong MIGRATION TOWARDS THE SOUTH. Young people from the central region are moving to Accra and Tema to find work, while young people from the northern areas are seeking refuge in cities like Kumasi and Sunyani. Since their level of education is usually low and the supply of work is limited, a great many of these young people end up on the streets. According to Welthungerhilfe, some 30,000 children and young people are homeless in Accra alone.
Ghana has to cope with the problem of TROPICAL DISEASES. Malaria, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, yellow fever, and hepatitis A and hepatitis B are some of the most common diseases.
Nevertheless, due to its good economic situation compared to other African countries, Ghana is also a COUNTRY OF IMMIGRATION, mainly for migrants and refugees from neighboring countries. GLOBAL TOURISM is also becoming increasingly important in Ghana.
Local and long-distance PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION is available in Ghana. Despite fixed departure points and routes, there are no fixed departure times. Most Ghanaians travel by the cheap minibus "Tro-Tros", but there is a growth in passenger cars, so that there are traffic jams, especially in the cities.
Cabs are available in the cities, either as shared cabs or used by the passenger alone. Uber and Bolt can also be used to reach the destination safely via the app.
We fight for women's empowerment and gender equality. With the help of surfing, we create a safe space for young women in Busua, Ghana, to promote their self-confidence and thus support them in leading a self-determined life.
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